LiCORE works to develop new models for energy cooperatives. In these schemes, renewable energy installations help empower the local population in the most inclusive way.
Our initiative is called COOPEREN: COOPerativas de Energías RENovables (Renewable Energy Cooperatives in spanish).
What is a cooperative?
In a cooperative, everyone contributes to a new business what they have: land, capital or labor. To the same extent, the partners will benefit from the future profits of the joint venture, in this case one or more renewable energy plants.
This concept harmonizes perfectly with the sense of community that is so typical of Mexican culture: everyone can participate in a new business according to their capabilities, regardless of their social status or ethnic origin.

In addition to operating a joint business, co-operatives focus on improving the social welfare of the community, for example in forms of social and educational programs that improve the quality of life, education and working conditions within the host community.
What are the principles of cooperatives?
Cooperatives are based on the following seven principles:
- Voluntary and Open Membership
- Democratic Member Control
- Member Economic Participation
- Autonomy and Independence
- Education, Training, and Information
- Cooperation among Cooperatives
- Concern for Community